Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Reif
Principal investigator Deputy Spokesperson Steering committee member Management board memberDepartment of Psychiatry, Psychososmatics and Psychotherapy, Goethe University Frankfurt

Andreas Reif is a German Psychiatrist, who received his training at the University Hospital Würzburg, where he also did his residency and later on became Vice Chair. In 2014, he took over the position of Chair of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at the University Medical Center Frankfurt, where he is also full professor. ARs clinical and research interests include affective disorders (TRD, bipolar disorder, suicidality) and adult ADHD; his research is translational in nature and revolves around the ideas of precision psychiatry, i.e. identifying the best therapy at the exact time for a given individual patient. He has published more than 650 original papers and reviews, also in the most prestigious journals such a the New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet and Science, and has an h² index of 97. He is an internationally renowned speaker and active in several learned societies, especially the German Psychiatric Association (DGPPN), where he is an executive board member, as well as ECNP, where he is president elect. Also, he is involved in several clinical guidelines and outreach programs.